Legal notice
HCTT Europe GmbH, Hohenkrähenstrasse 14, DE-79798 Jestetten
DE340584369 - HRB 225818 B
Fax: +49 (0)30814521991
Managing Director: Mr. Roger Brandalise
HCTT Europe GmbH
Hohenkrähenstrasse 14
DE-79798 Jestetten
All information has been compiled and selected by us with care. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee that the information on our website is correct, complete and up-to-date. The use of our website is therefore without guarantee on our part.
Insofar as we refer to third-party offers by means of so-called links, we assume no liability for the content of these information providers. We do not adopt opinions or factual claims published there as our own by placing a link, unless we expressly state otherwise for the link.
All rights to brand names and brand terms mentioned by us on these pages belong to the respective brand owners.
Platform for online dispute resolution (EU ODR platform)
Since the beginning of 2016, there has been an online platform to resolve disputes between online retailers and customers more quickly and, above all, without lawyers and courts. You can find this platform at
Address of the online retailer